High Reliability Mini NFC LED Tag - Evers series is an industrial-grade RFID tag with high & low temperature resistance, can be used for post-processing such as injection molding, vulcanization and hot pressing.
You can also use adheisve or epoxy to fix the tag.
It has excellent physical properties, robust feature and well reading performance!
Equipped ISO15693 chip with built-in encryption algorithm, it can realize functions such as command-triggered lighting and dynamic URL.
Anti-counterfeit traceability of plastic items, traceability and positioning assistance of biological samples;
Brand protection, accessories and consumables, toys, instrumentation, asset managements.
※ Dimensions: 5.0×5.0×1.0 (optional SMT pad)
※ Protocol: ISO/IEC 15693
※ Reading distance: 0~20mm (depends on reader)
※ LED color: Green, powers by passive RFID
※ Working temperature: -40~85℃
※ Temperature resistance: 125℃/>1000h; 250℃/3min
※ Available chip: FM13HS01NE, TC603